Dutch Heart Foundation Dress Red Day Social Posts design

The Dutch Heart Foundation wants more people to survive a cardiac arrest. That is why they invest a lot of money in research. And they are committed to learning to resuscitate young and old. The foundation also supports activities that ensure that children grow up in a healthy environment. I was asked to help with the design of Social posts.


Dress Red Day

September 29
One of the activities that the Heart Foundation organises every year on September 29 is 'Dress Red Day'. The Heart Foundation calls on everyone to wear something red that day to draw attention to cardiovascular disease in women. Signs that there is something wrong with the heart are often less clear in women than in men. They are therefore more quickly overlooked or not recognised in time. As a result, too many women die unexpectedly.


Create visibility
Dress Red Day is promoted on TV. And increasingly through social media. In order to provide important Facebook posts with a suitable image, I was asked as a Freelance Visual Designer to design images for Social posts. The brand style of the Heart Foundation and Dress Red Day were leading, but otherwise we were given complete freedom. And that freedom usually translates into a lot of creativity in the design.


Facebook posts responding to current events
Together with a copywriter from the Heart Foundation, various creative concepts were devised at a rapid pace. I translated those concepts into visual designs. An important ingredient in those social media 'hackers' were the news and popular current topics in the media. For example, the Dutch elections and the enormous success of the TV program 'Farmer seeks woman' were used to make the Social Media posts more up-to-date. The campaign was successful. The reach of the foundation on Social Media has increased.


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